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Backlink Analysis is the cornerstone of link building and SEO.

It stands in the beginning, the middle AND in the end of the link building process.

Building links without knowing your backlink profile is like running over a minefield with a blindfold.

You need to find out which links are valuable for your domain to build only the kind of links you really need.

When you have built links successfully, then you should do a backlink analysis again and check how your Link Power, Link Trust, Link Risk, Keyword Ratio etc. have changed.

Because what you can’t measure – you can’t improve!

You will need Backlink Analysis tools when you want to know where your domain is currently standing or when you have a new client and want to understand his domain’s backlink profile.

Alongside domain analysis, you can also do a backlink analysis for a single page or sub-folder. In general, we distinguish between partial backlink analysis and full backlink analysis.

There are three link analysis modes or previously separate classic tools included in the LinkResearchTools toolkit.

  • Sample Mode - Quick Backlink Checker (QBL) is fast. But you trade speed for accuracy. This gives you only a sample of your backlinks and the link data is cached.

  • Basic Mode - Backlink Profiler (BLP), this was the original link crawler of LRT.

  • Complete Mode - Link Detox (DTOX), which gives you the complete picture from all 25+ link data sources.

Make sure that you base all your important decisions on a complete crawl backlink analysis.

The first link analysis tool is the Quick Backlink Checker (QBL). We call it “Quick” because it gives you a fast overview of the backlink profile of a page or domain, to help you make quick decisions. To give you very quick results, QBL uses cached data rather than live data. This means you get to see backlink data that could be a couple days old. But not to worry; we’ve still got the freshest and most up to date results out there compared to our competitors. This is good enough for every “quick-glance”.

The second link analysis tool is the Backlink Profiler (BLP). This tool is stronger than QBL thanks to the fact that it returns freshly re-crawled, accurate link data. But keep in mind that the BLP doesn’t show you the full picture of your backlink profile. Only Link Detox (DTOX) does that. You are not looking at link data that was crawled days, months or years ago. You can see a deleted link, even if it was deleted one minute ago. If it’s a powerful website that you care about, you can quickly reach out to the webmaster and ask for a new link. The Backlink Profiler (BLP) is a great link analysis tool that allows you to select the SEO metrics that matter to you out of 97 SEO metrics. It helps you break down your backlink profile, it filters the sitewide links and provides you with fresh, clean data that you can look at to get an understanding of the recent state of a backlink profile. It can be your website’s backlink profile or the backlink profile of your competitor’s websites.

If you want to do a full, detailed, and accurate backlink analysis, you need to use Link Detox (DTOX) - our third and most powerful link analysis tool. Link Detox (DTOX) is the only tool that gives you:

  • your full backlink profile combining data from 25 link sources
  • accurate, reliable and fresh link data in one central system.
  • clean, re-crawled and verified link data
  • a new link crawl for every report you create or Re-run

This saves you hours of exhausting manual work. No other SEO software or online marketing tool does this.

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