LRT Certified Xpert Coaching
LRT Certified Xpert Coaching
LRT Certified Xperts have reached the highest level of LRT certification. They have been personally trained, tested and challenged with difficult tasks by Christoph C. Cemper. Over the years, very few have met the strict criteria and put in hard work. If you have the chance to hire an LRT Certified Xpert, don't miss it.
The LRT Certified Xpert is the ultimate knowledge level to achieve in our training curriculum for you personally. To achieve this level requires a lot of work, but it also comes with a lot of benefits.
Are you an LRT Certified Professional?
Your path to LRT Certified Xpert
To become a LRT Certified Xpert, you will have to research and develop one case study with results that will exceed your LRT Certified Professional work in detail and completeness.
The case study will need to be approved by Christoph C. Cemper as certification work and will be published.
LRT Certified Xpert Case Study
Upon successful completion of the case study, you will receive a “LRT Certified Xpert” certificate and a badge to use on your marketing material and CV.
At this point, you will also enjoy access to our beta system to learn early about the new developments (NDA required), and have a competitive advantage when pitching for clients by your certification and knowledge.
Your advantages of becoming a LRT Certified Xpert
- Highly visible certification that gives you an unparalleled advantage and unique selling point when pitching for clients;
- An approved accreditation by Christoph C. Cemper, the founder of LinkResearchTools®. This will require a good amount of work. Case study publishing requires actual work and demonstration of proficiency, which furthermore increases the value of this certificate;
- Become a highly proficient user of LinkResearchTools;
- Deep understanding of all the tools and their practical application;
- LinkResearchTools Helpdesk priority for your tickets;
- Networking opportunities with other LRT users, Christoph C. Cemper, and his team
- Free Access to a closed LRT Certified Forum to continue exchange with other LRT users and Christoph C. Cemper;
- Free Access to a closed member event “LRT Masterminds” in Vienna, as well as a reserved place in all the events organised by LinkResearchTools.
As Seen On

Customers who know the value of LinkResearchTools

Requirements for becoming an LRT Certified Xpert
- Extremely motivated
- Two-day training with Christoph C. Cemper in Vienna completed (LRT Certified Professional)
- Confirmed Level of LRT Certified Associate
- Confirmed Level of LRT Certified Professional
- Write 1 thoroughly researched and highly detailed case study (based on your LRT Certified Professional training). The assignment will be peer-reviewed and approved by Christoph C. Cemper and will be published
- Successful defense of case study/research paper with Christoph C. Cemper
- Active Superhero Standard plan or higher to perform research with all features and options
- Successfully completed homework/case study
- Completed 1:1 Coaching with Christoph C. Cemper
- LRT Superhero Standard plan or higher plans