Link Research SEO Toolbar
The most advanced SEO metrics at your fingertips, while you browse the Web!
See the most advanced LinkResearchTools SEO metrics for every page you visits. Overlay your searches in Google, Bing and Yandex with SEO metrics.
Link Research SEO Toolbar helps you
- See the Power and Trust of a domain or page
- Discover great places to get links from
- See how successful a page is on social media
- Understand user engagement
- See the strongest pages by Keyword Ranking
- See the number of backlinks a page has
And you can see
- LRT Power*Trust™ for domains
- LRT Power*Trust for pages
- Buzz – social media signals
- Impact – long-term user engagement metrics
- Number of Keywords Ranking
- Link Velocity Trends
- Number of Backlinks
Always have all important SEO metrics at your fingertips.
Two different modes of the extension
It shows you an overlay in your search engine results page (also known as SERP, like our SERP tool)
It allows you to sort the Search Engine results by:
- the number of keyword rankings a domain has
- LRT Power*Trust for domain and URL
- Social Media popularity (Buzz)
- Long-term user engagement (Impact)
You see a toolbar on every page you visit. Three different styles are available

Apart from using it as a SERP overlay, you can also see the toolbar with all these SEO metrics on every page you browse. There is more than one template for it and you can drag and drop it wherever you want in your browser window.
Getting started with the Link Research SEO Toolbar
Enable the SEO Toolbar and the SERP overlay
To enable the SEO toolbar, click on the icon in your browser bar and press the “Turn on toolbar” button.

To enable the SERP overlay, open a search engine page and click on the extension icon to turn it on. You can also enable both the SERP overlay and the toolbar from the options menu.
Overview of SEO metrics you get
1. LRT Power*Trust
LRT Power*Trust is a two-dimensional SEO metric that will help you quickly assess the power and trustworthiness of a domain or page.
2. Keywords Ranking
The "Keywords Ranking" metrics is the number of organic keywords bringing users to a domain via Google’s top organic search results.
Click on that number to go to the rankings analysis in SEMrush.
3. Impactana Buzz
Buzz measures the short-term, immediate response of a piece of content on social networks.
4. Impactana Impact
Impactana Impact measures the long-term user engagement for a piece of content.
5. Link Velocity Trends
Link Velocity Trends describe the change in growth or decline. It does not relate directly to the number of won or lost links. Hence it can also be a negative number if a website still earns links, just a lot less than it used to.
Rich set of SEO features to configure
Overview of settings
- You can choose the search engines in which you would like to use the Link Research SEO Toolbar. You also have the option to enable or disable it whenever you need.
- The Link Research SEO Toolbar has sorting options that allow you to see your search results sorted by all the metrics included in the toolbar. While sorting by Keyword Rankings and Link Velocity Trends is always available for a domain, you can customize if you want to use the sorting by LRT Power*Trust options.
- While sorting by Buzz, Impact and Backlinks is always available for a page, option number 3 allows you to enable sorting by LRT Power, LRT Trust or LRT Power*Trust for pages in your search results.
- You can choose to highlight certain domains in SERP. You can add your domain in there, so you can spot it immediately.
- Option number 5 allows you to fetch results from SERP to resolve redirects and show real SEO metrics.
- The Toolbar has a “Highlight No Follow links” option that outlines links with rel=”nofollow” attribute on the pages you browse. Learn more about NoFollow links from a research written by Christoph C. Cemper. You will understand NoFollow links and why you need to pay attention to them.
- You have an option to enable the Link Research SEO Toolbar for every page. It has 3 different templates: mini, bulky and skyscraper. The “Mini” toolbar is displayed either on the top or at the bottom of a page, while the “Bulky” and “Skyscraper” templates allow you to drag and drop the toolbar wherever you want on your page.