LRT Associate Training
Join the LRT Associates – an own Class of Experts
Learn Little-Known Link Building Methods.
Earn a Highly-Acknowledged SEO Certificate.
Earn a highly reputable and sought after certificate
What you get in the LRT Associate Training
- Comprehensive online videos with Christoph C. Cemper
- Lifetime Access to the LRT Associate Community
- Learn all the methods – applied with the tools that LRT provides
- Backlink Analysis
- Link Audits
- Google Penalty Recovery
- Link Quality Checks
- Competitor Analysis
- Backlink Monitoring
- Link Prospecting
- SEO Metrics
- LRT Browser Extensions
- and much more
- a total value of € 445
Always have all important SEO metrics at your fingertips.
What you will learn
- How to Boost Your SEO Success
- How to Outrank Your Competitors
- Get a Highly Valued Certificate
- And of course, this much sought after LRT Associate Certificate
You will find great value in becoming an LRT Associate
Here’s what you get in addition if you signup for the LRT Associate Training.
It’s maybe more than you think.
More advantages of becoming an LRT Associate (priceless)
- Work faster and smarter
- Save time by working more efficient
- Highly visible title that qualifies you for both your clients and employees – online and offline
- Basic understanding of all the tools and how you can use them to your advantage
- Preferred support help desk priorities
- Networking opportunities with other LRT users, Christoph C. Cemper, and his team
- Access to a closed LRT Associate Forum to continue exchange with other LRT users
- Successful start to becoming an LRT Certified Professional
Total Value 445,-*
*Actually Priceless with above advantages, but you get it all for
The LRT Associate package
Your coach Christoph C. Cemper about the LRT Associate Training
Christoph C. Cemper, the Founder & CEO of LinkResearchTools (LRT) gives you a brief overview over the LRT Certification program.
Don’t hesitate to join the LRT Associate training!
Some Happy LRT Associates
People love it and find it very useful!

Ivan Perić
Manager at Anna Tours
The LRT Associate training is perfectly structured with a lot of information and different types of content to make it easy to follow and to understand. I recommend it to everyone, who lives from SEO and to everyone, who wants to know what exactly your competitors are doing, how fast and how many links they are building, the keywords they are ranking for, the impact of links, that have not been built yet, the risk potential of your and your competitors existent backlinks and how you can outrank the competition in a fast and secure way. Try it to believe.
I learned a ton of incredible SEO metrics, that this tool offers. After running, for example, a Link Detox (DTOX) crawl of one of my sites, there are so many different useful information about the backlink profile, that I even didn’t know they exist.
I can tell you already now that I am more than impressed by the power of LinkResearchTools. It makes link building a play. The tool has found about 40% more backlinks than GSC, Ahrefs, Majestic and all the other tools, I tried. It’s a bomb!
Ah, and there are Chrome and Firefox SEO extensions that show you the main SEO metrics of every site. Just amazing!

Some facts about your trainer Christoph C. Cemper
- Founder of LinkResearchTools and creator of Link Detox
- Author of Spaghetti Code
- Public Speaker and Trainer
- Entrepreneur since 2003
- 153.277 hours of experience with links and SEO
- or 18 years of getting up every morning to work with links
- spoken on 315 conferences about links
- 197 public trainings about links since 2007
- Mastermind of LinkResearchTools (LRT)
- Ongoing SEO-experiments and tests
More happy LRT Associates
As Seen On

Customers who know the value of LinkResearchTools

Requirements for becoming an LRT Associate
- Full attendance of training
- OR 12 months user experience with LRT
- Successful completion of “LRT Associate” exam
You can simply access the training through your browser and just start learning. We will provide you with everything you need to get through the LRT Associate training. After you did the online training, you will take your LRT Associate Exam. This multiple choice tests all the different categories of the training. So, make sure to do it completely.