Increased backlink profile coverage
In our strive for quality and detail we improved basis of our data for link audits and link building tremendously.
We added the "magic 25th" link data source that gave our system the ultimate leverage against all other link analysis products.
Some users were quite surprised about the large amount of additional links we find now. Some others were even in denial and claimed that "it's not possible" for LRT to find so much data.
And we get it. It is wild. In some cases, we see 3x, 10x or even 20x bigger backlink profiles than anyone else in the market.
And here's a popular question we get:
Should we really audit all the backlinks?
~Webmaster with millions of Backlinks
Our answer is simple: you should always strive for a complete link audit on your complete backlink profile.
LRT helps you with that.
Don't just look at a small slice of your backlink profile
If you only look at a part of your backlink profile, you are missing out on detail.
We sometimes heard people calling it a "top-level approach."
It is an imprecision-approach, to say the least.
There's no chance you will "guess" the remainder of the backlink profile right, if you exclude it via a partial audit. You could have great or terrible links in the "non-audited part", nobody every knows - until the Backlink Profile Coverage is maximized using LRT.
All your backlinks are important. Even the old ones. Even the so called "deleted links".
Analyzing only a part of your domain is like doing a health check only for half of your body. Think of all the negative SEO out there.
Think of all the old, spammy links you never disavowed. They are still part of your backlink profile, hurting your rankings and ready to trigger a Google Penalty any time.