Category: "SEO Competitor Research"

SEO Competitor Research
Co-Citations and Bad Neighborhood Explained
One of the most important elements for quality and safe link building is a good neighborhood. If you read this article you will learn what a bad neighborhood is and how co-citations can lead you there.
Hint: it's NOT the same IP hosting block, as many believe.
Also, you will learn how to add valuable co-citations for your site and how to analyze these co-citations.

SEO Competitor Research
Competitive Domain Analysis with LRT
The competitive situation is different in Google for any given country, language, industry, or search term. Therefore it is crucial to develop the ability to understand your competition. This complete guide written by one of our LRT Professionals helps providing tips for competitive domain analysis.

SEO Competitor Research
Why You Need Links Similar to Your Competition
If you are ready to take your link building to the next level, read on to find out: how common backlinks can improve your traffic, why some common backlinks are more powerful than others, how to find common backlinks that are expected in your niche and how to find common backlinks that your competitors have, but you don’t.