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22 SEO Link Building Methods for 2022
Link Building has been called "dead" for years. The rules of 2003 certainly changed, and those who could not learn and adapt to the ever-changing rules and increased requirements on skills, tools, details then, of course, had to give up on their "link building tricks."
Google confirmed that links are the #1 ranking factor and said: "Ranking without links is really really hard."
The Google Core Algorithm is based on links, and that hasn't changed since the inception of Google.
Interflora Google Penalty - a Deep Dive into Toxic Links
We are sure you’ve heard about being penalized by Google. No wonder, because Link Detox found over 70% toxic and suspicious links including cheap advertorials, paid blog posts etc. Here you will find examples for toxic and suspicious links that will put you in danger for a Penguin penalty.
13 Ways to Improve Backlinks That You Already Have
Your existing link profile is the most important asset your website has. We often forget how many thousands or even millions of links are sending visitors to your site on a daily basis, and of course, help you in Google rankings.
Make it a daily habit to check and groom your backlinks and protect your rankings. Only then building new links will help you grow instead of keeping up.
Read on and learn about 13 practical ways in which you can improve the backlinks you already have.

SEO Competitor Research
Co-Citations and Bad Neighborhood Explained
One of the most important elements for quality and safe link building is a good neighborhood. If you read this article you will learn what a bad neighborhood is and how co-citations can lead you there.
Hint: it's NOT the same IP hosting block, as many believe.
Also, you will learn how to add valuable co-citations for your site and how to analyze these co-citations.

9 useful tips to use ScrapeBox for your SEO workflow
ScrapeBox is a well known tool for black hat SEO, but white hat SEOs have found it to be a very useful and time saving tool for on-page SEO, link analysis and even link building. In this guide, LRT Xpert - Bartosz Góralewicz, shows us how to use this tool of darkness to make Google very happy with your website.

No Follow Links - Risky or Irrelevant?
NoFollow Links in SEO
The value of NoFollow links has often led to heated debates among online marketers and SEOs. Ever since Google rolled out the Penguin algorithm in 2012, the risk of links has become a central question. Can NoFollow links put your website at risk? Googlebot should not follow links with NoFollow tag, but is that always true?