LRT Documentation
- 03 Discover LRT Smart
- Domain Overview
- Domain Overview
Domain Overview
The domain overview gives you a quick overview the most important data and issues to work on at a glance.
For each of your project domains you have one domain overview like in the image below.
The elements you see are as follows
1 Project Navigation bread crumb in your current project
2 Project Actions
a. Download current disavow disavow file
b. Refresh the backlink profile
3 Link Issues are automated suggestions on which issues or opportunities the system identified for you to take action on. Review or take action immediately from here. Refer to Link Issues for more details.
4 Domain DTOXRISK shows you the most important metric for your domain and gives you hints.
5 Link Detox Risk Distribution in your backlink profile tab
6 The Link Detox Risk gauge estimates the overall risk of your backlink profile for the domain. In this case you are still below 1000 which is the threshold for penalties.
7 As soon as you start disavowing you get a notice that you can improve the accuracy by recalculation or additional keyword classifications.
8 Recalculate DTOXRISK to improve the accuracy of the analysis after disavowing or classifying keywords..
9 Domain Metrics show you the most important SEO metrics on the domain level. Besides domain based metrics like Domain DTOXRISK, Domain Power*Trust and Link Velocity Trends there are many more page and link based metrics that you can inspect in the page and link views.
10 Domain DTOXRISK over time
11 DTOXRISK Links over time
12 Won and Lost Links over time