Link Detox Tune® (short DTOXTUNE®) is a utility function to fine-tune the Link Detox® algorithms to your niche.
Link Detox Tune helps you
- Adjust Link Detox to every competitive landscape
- Fine tune the Link Detox Genesis® AI to your niche
- Share and preserve tuning settings
- Tweak Link Detox rules for special use cases e.g. PBN building
What is Link Detox Tune (DTOXTUNE)?
DTOXTUNE® allows you to identify and target specific Link Detox® (DTOX) rules to tweak the calculation of the DTOXRISK score. This allows you to create reports in a more targeted and efficient manner, using your opinion and experience. It works like a modifier/ filter that will allow you to adjust which DTOX rules you would like to ignore or adjust the amount of impact a rule has.

Why is DTOXTUNE® helpful?
Every niche on the web is different. From our observations, we are sure that Google uses many different variations of their internal algorithms for each country, language and niche. You can now adapt your Link Detox® (DTOX) analysis to that real world complexity with DTOXTUNE®.
You can now, for example, tweak Link Detox® (DTOX) better for those weird spammy niches in Eastern Europe or adapt it to the different niche segments in high margin industries. You can create DTOXTUNEs in the DTOXTUNE® Dashboard. If you want to apply DTOXTUNEs to older reports, this is possible when you Recalculate your report.
DTOXTUNE® Dashboard

Every niche on the web is different. From our observations we are sure that Google uses many different variations of their internal algorithms for each country, language and niche. You can now adapt your Link Detox analysis to that wild real world complexity with DTOXTUNE®. You can now for example tweak Link Detox better for those weird spammy niche in Eastern Europe or adapt it to the always different niche segments in the high margin industries.
How to tune?

You can create DTOXTUNEs when you start a new report in the DTOXTUNE® Dashboard and you can easily apply new DTOXTUNEs to older reports with a reprocess.
Every DTOXTUNE® gets a DTOXTUNE® Code. Share them with your friends and colleagues to find the perfect setting for your niche.