Review and Rate Links
Rate Links as Good or Bad
You need to rate as many as possible links. Decide if links are good or bad for you.
This means, if you think a link is bad, then rate this link with Thumbs-Down. If you think a link is good, the rate the link with Thumbs-Up.
These decisions are taken into account for risk scoring (Domain DTOXRISK) in the re-processing step. Your decisions count 100% for you – and based on your user’s authority and trust we apply it will also help improve Link Detox Genesis decisions in the future, if substantial signals were generated.

For every link in your link audit ask yourself...
For every link in your audit work, ask yourself
- Is the link on a page that is blacklisted or banned?
- Does it have a high DTOXRISK?
- Is the link on a page that is dangerous?
- Is the link on a page of a weak domain?
- Is the link on a domain with a penalty?
- Is the link on a domain associated with a bad neighborhood?
- Is the link on a spammy directory?
- Is the link on a page with a massive amount of outgoing links?
- Is the link anchor text unnatural or suspicious?
- Is the link on a domain that is part of a link network?
- How many linking pages, domains, subdomains, and root domains?
- Does the Link Velocity Trend metric look natural? (no dramatic rise or drop)?
- What kind of link is it: redirect, NoFollow, Javascript, Frame?
- What is the keyword type e.g. "money" or "brand"?
Once you have answered these questions, it will be much easier for you to make a disavow decision. You will know which link is worth keeping and which one you need to disavow.
Link Rating required
Rating links Good or Bad is the method to train our data-driven organic Link Detox Genesis® algorithm.
Please review all your links carefully in order to make sure that you do not disavow any good link.
Links with low DTOXRISK

Filter all links with low DTOXRISK. Filter FOLLOW Links in LinkStatus and “M” in “Class” for Money. Sometimes you can find some potentially risky links with low DTOXRISK. Those are the very risky links usually, and unless you have been spamming like crazy, you shouldn’t have too many. Enable the LinkLocation to identify Comments, Sidebars and get a quick idea on where that link is placed. Then start Link Detox Screener® we introduced in July 2013 and use it to rate the links really quickly.
If you think a link is bad, then rate this link with Thumbs-Down. If you think a link is good, then rate it with Thumbs-Up
If you rate all of your links then you will receive more accurate results.

Repeat above for the TOX3 links. Those are links where Genesis is VERY sure you should get rid of them ASAP. We haven’t found a single case yet where we wanted the link, but if you do, just give it a Thumbs-Up and re-process.
If you rate all of your links then you will receive more accurate results.

Repeat above for the SUSP20 links. Those are links that Link Detox Genesis® finds suspicious to various degrees. Filter SUSP20. If you have have a lot of SUSP20, then sort by DTOXRISK descending and start with the FOLLOW/Money links also.
If you like a link give it a Thumbs-Up. If you think it must go, then a Thumbs-Down will make it clear, that you really don’t like it and scores will adapt accordingly after re-processing the report.
If you rate all of your links then you will receive more accurate results.

You can also sort the whole table by DTOXRISK® from the highest to the lowest and then use the Link Detox Screener for reviewing all of them.
Please review all your links carefully.
Other Links
Feel free to perform additional ratings for other links too, as we take ALL your feedback into account – especially for your own report YOUR opinion counts a lot more now.